Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays By Heather Brewer

Inside Panel:

"If middle school stunk for Vladimir Tod, high school is a real drain. Besides being a punching bag for bullies, he's still stalled with dream girl Meredith, and he's being tailed by a photographer from the school newspaper. Needless to say, practicing his vampire skills hasn't exactly been a priority for Vlad--until now. A monumental trip to Siberia with Uncle Otis is Vlad's crash course in Vampire 101. Training alongside the most gifted vampires is exactly what Vlad needs to sharpen those mind-control skills he's been avoiding. And he'd better get it right, because the battle brewing back home with the slayer who's been stalking him could be Vlad's last."

My Favourite Quotes:

Vlad brought his hand down fast. The slapping sound his palm made when it hit Henry's skin echoed throughout his bedroom but was shortly covered by a yelp from Henry, who sat up, clutching his forehead. "Dude!"
Vlad straightened his shoulders, triumphant in battle. "There was a fly."
Page: 6

Vlad ran his fingers over the closing. Yours in Eternity. It was the same closing his dad had used in every note, every book, every birthday card, he'd ever given to Vlad. Vlad felt the looming shadow of grief sweep over him again. The death of a loved one is funny like that. It doesn't matter how much you grieve or how much time has passed, the littlest reminder of the person who died--a scent, an object, a word--can send you back to the moment you lost them, and before you can blink, you're overcome by the aching sadness you worked so hard to leave behind.
Page: 14-15

Henry nudged him and whispered so that no one else would hear. "So is there any truth to the old vampires-hate-crosses myth?"
Page: 27

Knowing it would be a while before dinner was ready, Vlad lead Joss upstairs, pausing on the steps to scratch Amenti behind the ears. As they passed through the library, Joss gasped. "Wow, you have a great collection of books."
Page: 39

Eddie gripped his camera tightly, but, Vlad noticed, he didn't run. "You're some kind of monster, aren't you? My mom, she says monsters aren't real. But I saw one last year, and now... now I'm seeing another one, aren't I?"
Page: 62

The pain deep in Vlad's chest was much worse than his eye. Not only had he gotten beat up but he had also just been reminded of what a freak he really was by the one person it was supposed to matter to least.
Page: 69

"Oh, he meant it. And he can bite me!"
Page: 82

Vlad watched him and turned to Henry. "I have a problem, Henry."
Henry sighed, watching Eddie, too. "Yeah. And his name is Eddie Poe."
Page: 98

Joss had sulked the rest of the day, but Vlad wasn't about to apologize. Joss had broken the biggest friend code there was: thou shalt not date the girl that thy best friend has a crush on.
Page: 100

After a pause, she gestured with a bent finger for Vlad to come closer. Vlad booked it up the stairs and nearly fell. Twice.
Page: 105

Vlad leaned closer to Otis. "What is it that Vikas keeps calling me?"
Otis smiled. "Mahlyenki Dyavol."
"Yes, but what does it mean?"
Otis and Vikas exchanged glances. Both broke into bemused laughter. Otis raised his glass to Vlad with a drunken grin. "It means 'Little Devil.'"
Page: 133

"Vlad, I've wanted to tell you something since third grade." Henry smirked and moved his arm closer. "Bite me."
Page: 194

All things considered, losing a few hours after school was well worth a stolen moment alone with the girl of his dreams.
Page: 203

Hot tears welled in Vlad's eyes. He brushed them away with the back of his hand and took a slow, deep breath. "People are stupid."
Page: 221

Vlad snorted and slowly lifted his foot. "Don't you find any irony in vampire sucking up?"
Page: 149

"How can you be my friend one minute and my enemy the next? That's not right! It's not fair! Vampire or not, I'm still the same person I was yesterday, the same friend you asked to come with you tonight. I haven't changed, Joss. Why have you?"
Page: 255

Vlad opened his eyes. Sure enough Henry was smiling. After a second, so was Vlad. "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
Nelly shot him a wide-eyed look. "Vladimir! That's not funny!"
Vlad grinned. "Okay, so I'll sleep when I'm undead."
Henry didn't miss his cue. "Too late."
Page: 273

Reaction Timeline:

Chapter 1 - 6

I feel like I've read this before, oh right! Recap! :P

Chapter 7 - 12

I already knew that he was a vampire, but still.. hehe

Chapter 13 - 18

But I thought! He was... but he... was... WHAT!?

Chapter 18 - 23

There are no words for this... but :O

My Likes:

Just like in the first book. Eighth Grade Bites, I enjoy the characters very much. As well as how the events that took place in this book. I can't express how much I myself enjoy Heather Brewer's writing. But I have to point out my favourite part.


"For my job. I'm a slayer." Joss nodded matter-of-factly. "A vampire slayer."
His eyes were clear, cold, and honest. And no matter how hard Vlad tried, he couldn't find a joke within them.
No, no, no. Not Joss.
Page: 209

But I.... but I liked Joss D':

My Dislikes:

I personally don't like Eddie Poe, but that's a given. I mean the kid is like a total nut case, well kinda. Hah. Also my least favourite part!


The man turned around slowly. His black gloves shimered in the low light. His long coat billowed as he moved. Black leather pants clung to his legs, but his chest was bare beneath the coat. Vlad gasped at the large hole in the man's stomach, He had to place his hand over his mouth to contain the scream that threatened to boil up from within him.
D'Ablo smirked at Jasik and then held the vial of blood up to the light. "Then I want to be there to welcome him on bended knee."
Page: 233

For that... you mind as well just bite me. I mean the guy was supposed to DIE!!! But still, a good twist. Touche Heather.... touche!

My Rating:

Ultimately I enjoyed this novel, and I cannot wait to read the next one and blog about it! Aha, until then. Great work Heather! :D

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Saturday 15 September 2012

Starling by Lesley Livingston

Note: This review is going to be much different than my others!!! 

Before I begin my review I would like to send out a special thank you to Lesley Livingston for not only writing this Novel, but for writing others, which I look forward to reading in the future. <3 

Inside Panel: 

“Mason Starling is a champion fencer on the Gosforth Academy team, but she’s never had to fight for her life. Not until the night a ferocious, otherworldly storm rips through Manhattan, trapping Mason and her teammates inside the school. She finds herself besieged by nightmarish creatures even more terrifying than the thunder and lightning. The raging tempest also brings a dangerous stranger into her life: a young man who remembers nothing but his name – the Fennrys Wolf. His arrival tears Mason’s world apart, even as she feels an undeniable connection to him. Together, they seek to unravel the secrets of Fenn’s identity, as strange and supernatural forces gather around them. When they discover that Mason’s family – with its dark allegiance to ancient Norse gods - is at the heart of the mystery, Fenn and Mason are suddenly faced with a terrifying future. 

Set against the gritty, Shadowed backdrop of New York City, this first novel in award-winning author Lesley Livingston’s epic Starling Saga is an intoxicating blend of sweeping romance and pulse-pounding action.” 

My Favourite Quotes: 

“She tagged you good, Aristarchos. Which also means she wins, again. Whining about it just makes you look like a girl.” He glanced up at Mason as she pulled of her head gear and grinned. “A girl who can’t fight like Mason.” Page: 2 

“Sweating-barfing-screaming-uncontrollably-psychotic-episode not good.” Page” 12 

It was a man – a young man – rising from the wreckage in between her and the shambling, gray-skinned apparitions … and he was stark naked. Page: 21 

“Do it,” Toby barked at Rory, handing him the metal pipe. “And somebody else find Beowulf here some pants.” Page: 27 

It was like some kind of super-tense Mexican standoff, except neither of them had a weapon pointed at the other. Page: 39 

Ok, now I know I’m crazy, Fenn thought. Page: 48 

Roth. Oh, thank god, Mason thought. Saved. Page: 69 

More than “like” Mason Starling. Page: 117 

I wanted to…” See you again. Speak to you. Make sure you aren't just another broken memory or piece of a dream. I wanted to return the gear I borrowed.” He held up the shopping bag he’d brought along. Page: 125 

“Well it all makes sense now,” Fennrys murmured to himself, stunned by what he’d found. “I’m a ninja.” Page: 161 

Cal blinked. “So… no apocalypse.” Page: 171 

He remembers something, she thought. Something he doesn't want to tell me. Or doesn’t want me to know… Page: 186 

For Mason. The only girl in my world. Page: 219 

This is not the first-aid kit of someone who occasionally burns himself making an omelet or gets the odd sliver. Page: 229 

“Come on, Mason. I’ll catch you,” He said. “I promise.” Page: 242 

“No! I totally would have done that too!” Heather shook her head enthusiastically. “What a great way to get his shirt off. And then you could totally be all ‘oh, baby, does it hurt?’ and sexy-nurse his hot blond hotness.” She leered wickedly. Page: 249 

“You know that whole ‘never talk to strangers’ thing, Mase?” Fennrys said in a low voice. “They don’t get much stranger than this.” Page: 283 

“I’m your mother and I've been waiting for you…” Page: 341 

Reaction time line: 

Book launch

- Where I bought the book 

- Got it signed 

- Talked to Lesley Livingston! 

- Showed on Space TV! 

- Read two chapters 

Chapter 1 – 11 

Can’t. Stop. Reading! 

Chapter 12 – 22


Chapter 23 – 34

-Jaw drops- Ohmigod! Where’s book two! -Cries- 

My Likes: 

Uhm… everything? It was totally page turning and just over all outstanding! I absolutely love the characters, of which by the way Roth is my total favourite! I totally have a mini fan club for him! Wee! 

My Dislikes:


My Rating: 

Wait for it…. Wait for it! 5 out of 5! You’re the best Lesley!! I love you! :D (And Roth too, I love him too :3)

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