Tuesday 7 August 2012

False Memory By Dan Krokos

My Review: 

Imagine you find yourself lost in the mall in Cleveland, where most of your mind runs blank. You are afraid and unsure of most everything which causes all hell to break loose! Wait that isn't possible right? All you have is a headache, so why are people running away screaming? More confusion hits when a boy waves to you from a table, beckoning you to come closer. He tells you what happened, calling you a "Rose."
[A Rose: Capable of emitting a malignant psychic energy (fear waves). A threat]

He explains to you how you have "forgotten" things from your past. you must escape with him first, so you steal a police car and drive away. As you drive he sticks a needle with lemony yellow liquid inside into your arm, it pains you but you let it slip by, you are too busy driving. For revenge you take the needle and stick him with it just to hear him say. "I already had my shot." Memory shot.

[A Memory Shot: Administered to prevent memory loss when a Rose emits malignant energy, use with caution.]

Along with you there are others, resisters, for you are meant to be a weapon against the world! But fear not, you have friends to fight with you through it all.

This is Miranda North's story, which keeps you on your own toes!

My Likes:

The way that this novel is written peeked my interest high above its normal comprehension. Just the way Peter leads Miranda from the scene of the mall with no panic in his eyes what so ever, just had me going! Above all Peter is my idol in this story, how he is able to explain things that he does, for example. The trackers he placed in Miranda, Noah and Olive's ankles without them knowing was outstanding.

I also fairly well enjoyed how Olive was unable to remember anything after being captured by the clones. Even after having a memory pill from Noah. Due to her having such a high body temperature I find it very well accurate that she would indeed burn off the dosage quicker than the others. I myself have a higher body temperature, so I know what it is like to burn medications off quicker than normal beings.

Now my favourite scene in the entire novel is the dry run fight scenes. From Miranda throwing a guard off a building, murdering her clone, and getting into a fight with Noah's clone! It was so nerve racking I was completely unable to put the book down! Upon them finding Olive with Rhys I actually thought that he was going to kill Miranda and Noah, but when he did not and brought them to his home after the Asian woman committed suicide to hid information, was completely unexpected.

Another favourite of mine is when Peter is saved by Miranda, I thought that was an amazing scene. I just love the Peter and Miranda pair!

My Dislikes: 

I have to say that I really did not like Noah. He just reminds me of the controlling, totally jealous boyfriend type, which I believe is what he is. Either way I just don't like him, but I'm glad that Olive does. Speaking of Olive, she dies! Why!? It was a good twist I'll give Krokos that, but come on! She was a great character!

Moving along to Sequel, personally I think was something odd to add. Though perhaps there are better plans for her, I don't know. Having her added though just confused me in general. Also I thought that she should like Rhys, not Noah. The dude should suffer for what he did to Miranda! She died! He basically killed her!

My Rating: 

To Dan Krokos' novel False Memory I rate a four out of five. Due to some confusion, but total amazing fight scenes and emotional explosions, literally. I feel he deserves this rating, and I personally cannot wait for his next novel. Good luck and thank you for the most amazing read Dan!

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