Thursday 23 August 2012

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites By Heather Brewer

My Review:
So check it out you’re a Halfling vampire, which sounds pretty cool right? Though there are of course, some issues; your father had secrets and he kept them from you, he and your mother both died in a totally mysterious house fire which only occurred in their bedroom, too bad you had to be the one to find them, plus your English teacher is missing, oh wait no he’s not, he’s dead! So your new English teacher tries to pick on you, because he knows your secret! Yikes! That and he comes to your house and basically tells you that he’s a vampire too! Double yikes! Not to mention he’s your uncle... wait what!?

Your best friend is a human, who you can tell to do your bidding, which you never knew about. Your Aunt gets taken by some high vampire guy, so you get to go save her! Yay! Super hero time! But wait! Your Uncle turns you in to the high vampires? WHAT!? On top of that he makes you think your Aunt is dead, and that your best friend is going to die too!

Relax he saves you in the end, your Aunt is alive and so is your best friend, bonus! But wait, what’s that sound!? Great the high vampire wants to kill you! But you have a black cylinder which he’s afraid of. Odd, it’s just a stick right? But there’s a glyph on it, so you touch it, and BAM burst of really bright light through evil vampire man’s stomach! WHOA!

Okay, that was crazy! So you get home, finish school and find out that your uncle is leaving! Sad day! But on the up side, that girl you like. Like you too, and you’re taking her to the Final Fest dance. Awe yeah!

My Likes:
First of all, how cool would it be to be a Halfling vampire? I’m totally jealous. On top of that, to have your name be Vladimir. Double jealous here. Okay, so all in all I love the characters’’ names!

Also I have to say that the description of the tome, just sounded amazing, I would love to see what Heather Brewer saw in her head when she wrote about it. The whole vampire language too, just out standing.

I got a really good laugh thinking that vampires created Play Station, I know it’s not true, but still! Pretty cool idea don’t you think? Also made me laugh about the city making.

But I have to leave it to my favourite scene, which is when Vlad reads Tom’s mind. No wonder the guy’s a bully! Who would want to have their mom force them into ballet? I love dance, but to be forced to do it, no thanks.
My Dislikes:
Personally I’m not too fond of how the story was opened, it left me rather confused as to what was really happening, but I guess it was meant to do that, because it was basically explained in the end.

The thing with Otis, well he’s just weird. He typically reminds me of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, I mean first he’s one thing... then he’s another? What?

My least favourite part is to deal with poor Henry. I mean the guy just wants to help out Vlad and all, but come on; does Otis really have to call him a drudge? That’s mean!

My Rating:
In general I totally loved this novel! The action was a little slow at first, but that was okay. The suspense was just phenomenal and out standing. So I rate this novel a total of 4 out of 5 stars! Well done Heather Brewer!

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