Monday 27 August 2012

Who I Kissed By Janet Gurtler

My Review:

Oh geez where in the Sam Hill do I even start? You’re a swimmer, you like a boy. Easy. But there’s more. You go to a party where that boy is, but he’s kissing some other girl, so you decide to kiss some other boy to show him up. But, the boy you kiss starts hyperventilating and reaching for air, so you’re freaking out, the boy dies on the way to the hospital. Everyone blames you because you had peanut butter and he was allergic to it.

So you go on hating yourself and not wanting to do, well anything. You sort of quit swimming, your Dad takes you to a therapist, which helps a little. So you go back to school, of course regretting it as soon as you get there. The people stare at you like crazy, you get called names, and then some other guy in your English class wants to get to know you?! What!?

Ok so apparently you’re working on an English project with this guy, so then why is it when you go to his house to study; he’s totally all over you!? Like kissing and all touch and feel? Whoa! Shake it off girl, shake it off! Alright, alright so things go a little differently than you planned, but it’s okay because you’re using this guy to forget about the boy you like and the boy you think you killed.

That is until he takes you to his house before going to the fair, and well, takes your virginity! By the way you really didn’t like it. Also things slip by and it turns out the guy is a total player! And has his step sister pregnant! WHAT!? Oh and by the way, the boy that you thought you killed. You didn’t kill him. He had an asthma attack. No joke. Still bad, but at least you have no blame right?

Oh by the way you like with your Dad, who had a psychic sister with a little black Chihuahua or whatever. Things are just confusing. But you get by, go back swimming, get the guy and win a gold medal. Cool...?

Oh and another thing... you don’t have a mom... Ouch.

My Likes:

Right off the top, I have to tell all about Zee. He’s just a great guy, puts others first, strong hearted, but still little boy like. Very cute! On top of that he hides his crush on Sam pretty badly, because everyone knows... but Sam. Of course right?

I only like one thing about Casper, that he’s got a nice house. That’s about it.

What else do I like? Um, well I like the writing, it was very well written basically.

My Dislikes:

I’m sorry, but it was way to confusing for me. It was like riding a roller coaster in the dark! It climbs up and then it drops with excitement, but then it goes straight, goes up a little, straight then drops a little. I was like, “wha?” as I read it.

My Rating:

Sadly I have to rate this book a three out of five. As I said it was well written, but it just confused me a little too much. Plus it wasn’t in my personal liking in reading. I’m sorry Janet, but keep your head up okay? Just because I’m not fond of this read, doesn’t mean that others won’t like it. I bet that there will be lots of others that will love your book! Good luck Janet and thank you for the read! I enjoyed it.

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